Thursday, March 06, 2008
Things are looking up.
Really! Got some new music for ya...I like these guys.
We are scientists:The great escape

It might not be new to you but new to me. Talking of new things.... I have a new Claire(the wheelchair) en route. I think they are just going to fix the one I have rather than replace it.

No pain today and its strange. Don't get me wrong I am thankfull but its like I forgot to put on a pair of pants on. Somethings is missing. Its strange but I don't miss it. Anyway enjoy the tune.

Stay well,
posted by personallog! @ 7:33 am  
  • At 4:23 pm, Blogger Jaime said…

    Glad to hear you are able to get Claire fixed/replaced! I hope everything else is going well. Take care of yourself and hi to Jen!


  • At 8:28 am, Blogger personallog! said…

    Lisa its Dave not Doug!!!!

    Jaime thanks babe you too eh.x


  • At 11:50 am, Blogger Lisa Emrich said…

    I'm so sorry Dave. It's fixed on my site. Thanks for letting me know.


  • At 12:30 pm, Blogger Diane J Standiford said…

    DAVE, heh heh, in a big city like Seattle we have like ONE place that fixes wheelchairs, I bout a new one--$1,000!!! EEsh, to fix my power chair? They refuse, just want to sell me a new one.^&*(

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Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!! See my complete profile

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