Friday, February 08, 2008
New year new music.....Sounds like a new year resolution to me!
Todays music has been picked up from a new website that I am going to be visiting alot. As Pandora has removed access for people outside the US I have been lost in a music void. My father found an English version.... A UK radio which will help me find new music!!! Its a great site which holds most of my favorite songs and band names and will show new interests too. Just look at this:

As a thank you for my US friends who removed from my favorites I give you this:

Sixteen Military Wives - The Decemberists

Hope the new music is viewed in the greatest way. I found new music without your help!

Have a nice day.
posted by personallog! @ 10:55 am  
  • At 6:30 pm, Blogger mdmhvonpa said…

    the internet ... too fluid ...

  • At 9:55 pm, Blogger Jaime said…

    Well that really sucks! I am glad to hear that you found something else that works. Music is such an important part of your life.

    Miss you. It's been a while. Take care of yourself.


  • At 7:03 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i still love pandora, and never had much luck with sorry it is not available to you (or my son, at university in glasgow)but i'm sticking with it. i love streaming radio!

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Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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