Monday, June 08, 2009
A perfect match.... Apart from ms that is.
Jen and myself are really happy. A family. We have a dog which act's like she is our little girl so we can say family really.

Yes ms is still rampant in my body but it doesn't effect our life to much.... I hope it stays away for a time. I have never been happier and stress free. It might have something to do with this gap in treatment.

I have had a visit to my new neuro who has taken me off Tysabri with earnest and requested I have a MRI to see where the situation lies. There has been no mention of future treatment as yet, so don't ask. He did say that I shouldn't have been on it as I am high risk of developing PML. The whole 'smurf blood' history does not play well with Tysabri they have found... Some deaths type situ.

Well this is just a short note to say hi and to tell you all that we are fine. Happy and married... Just over 6 months.... Yey. I am not leaving this woman if I can help it. I love her so much and it's still getting better each day.

I found my claim to fame.... I knew someone who went on Big brother 7.... And that is it.

Stay well,
posted by personallog! @ 10:32 am   5 comments
ms....not just a diary
About Me

Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
About Me:
I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!! See my complete profile

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