Intended Use: For the treatment of partial onset seizures and neuropathic pain (pain from nerve damage) associated with diabetes and shingles.
Profile of User: An individual with any of the above conditions. The drug is also being used off-label by people with multiple sclerosis who suffer from neuropathic pain as well as by people with fibromyalgia and general anxiety disorder.
What It Is: A structural derivative of the neurotransmitter GABA (though it does not bind to GABA receptors).
How It Works: Although the mechanism of action is unknown, the drug is thought to modulate voltage-gated calcium channels in the central nervous system. Pregabalin binds to alpha2-delta sites, which are auxiliary subunits of voltage-gated calcium channels. Prolonged use of pregabalin increases the rate of GABA transport.
History: • Lyrica is a successor drug to Neurontin (gabapentin), another anti-seizure drug that was put on the market by Pfizer in 1983. What seems to be the main difference between the two is that Lyrica is more potent and has fewer side effects. • Following six double-blind placebo-controlled trials, the FDA approves Lyrica on December 31, 2004 for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with diabetes and shingles. • Following three double-blind placebo-controlled trials, the FDA approves Lyrica on June 10, 2005 for the treatment of partial onset seizures. • September 19, 2005 Canada approves Lyrica for the treatment of neuropathic pain associated with diabetes and shingles. According to my pharmacist, he also currently dispenses it for seizures, depression, and neuropathic pain associated with MS. Because I got a free sample from the MS clinic, I wonder if Pfizer is seeking approval for the use of Lyrica for MS neuropathic pain.
Benefits: Reduction of seizures by 51% and a significant (though subjective) reduction of neuropathic pain.
Administration: Lyrica is taken orally up to three times a day with a maximum of 600 mg per day.
Cost: Lyrica costs approximately $111 a month in Canada. Pharmacare does not cover it and private coverage varies. For my month supply that I just bought, I paid $28.00 and my private insurance, Green Shield, paid the rest.
Side effects/Disadvantages: Common: Unlikely: • Drowsiness • Change in amount of urine • Dizziness • Difficulty speaking • Confusion • Loss of coordination • Difficulty concentrating • Mood changes • Unsteadiness • Muscle pain, weakness • Fatigue • Stomach pain • Swollen arms/legs • Uncontrolled movements • Increased appetite • Unusual tiredness • Weight gain • Vision changes • Nausea • Dry mouth • Constipation Rare: • Unusual bleeding or bruising • Slow or irregular heart beat • Allergic reaction
Not too bad on the side effects eh? Just like ms really or is that just me? Thanks again Steph! I kinda like this. I am relaxing at my parents house at the moment, I am eating well being cared for and all the worry I had last week has gone.....its horrible! I want my house and my problems, my space. I dont want to share the bathroom with my younger siblings any more!!!! My sister is married and has come back this week aswell! Its just not my shade of hell here!(its worse!) I get back to my house on sunday night so all will be back to normal, bills and forms to fill in, hospital visits and jumping out of a plane for charity(hopefully), smoking in doors, my own beer. Some times the perfect home can be to much. The only thing thats keeping me sane is the impending girly visit on tuesday. Oh and other peoples I guess its not too bad!(love you guys!) Check this little kid out, he rocks:
Name: personallog! Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom About Me:
I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!!
See my complete profile