Saturday, March 24, 2007
Without direction!
Join the MS Movement

This is the advert for the symbol in the corner of everyone of my blogs...US based and I cannot join as I live in the UK...Go figure eh! So if you live in the US...Give it a shot please. Its a good cause and you can get a company to give money to the ms society(US) just by changing your MSN messenger...Please do it for me if your in the US! Thanks!
Oh I have added Natelie too. Welcome to the list.
Now for my diary bit:

Memory is a great factor when trying to work out what you want to do with your life. I can't even figure out what I want to drink this weekend never mind life goals! My guitar is wrapped up nicely in its case and I haven't picked it up for two days. Its my hands. I have a tremor down both arms. Yes it makes typing a bitch! Thank god for spell checker eh! I am finding it hard to concentrate on everyday tasks. Doing things like bathing and shaving needs massive focus.(maybe why I have not shaved today! Its not a pretty sight, trust me!). Just as I get one thing done I have forgotten what I was doing it for. I know I wanted to say many things on this update... But yeah I have forgotten! The thing is I can hardly control my mouse for my PC and its winding me up! I get irritated just trying to use my computer but the pointer of my mouse is dancing across the screen whenever I try to use it! I think that the title of todays blog update.. My fingers have no direction either.
I have chosen vids for today tho:
Ross Noble, Stand Up

A lad from my birth town! A geordie through a through! And music today:
Acoustic Guitar - Trace Bundy's Dueling Ninjas - WHOLE SONG

One of the greaest guitar players I have ever heard. On a par with Steve Tibbetts in my view!
I promise to bring back the rock soon. I wanted to put up Deftones: My curse. But I thought keeping it light might give more cheer!

Stay well, thats an order!
posted by personallog! @ 12:25 pm  
  • At 2:42 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I want to know how Trace does that. Whenever I (used to) play my guitar, I had to hold the strings down on the frets with my left hand and strum or pick the strings over the sound hole with my right. He seems to just push the strings and they make a noise! Weird!

  • At 3:49 pm, Blogger Charles-A. Rovira said…

    Its any thing that can get a string vibrating.

    You can strum, as you (and I) did, or you can hammer the strings (like quick trills,) or pluck or use resonant frequencies (feedback) and not have to touch the strings at all.

    The length of the string and its tension give the fundamental note.

    The different ways of getting it moving give it its timbre.

  • At 1:12 am, Blogger Jaime said…

    It is unfortunate that the Joining the Movement thing does not include MS'ers in other countries who use the MS Messenger. Thanks for supporting it anyway! :) The more people who jump on board the better....oh and that is my doc on the video...she is the best!

    Sorry to hear about your tremor. I hope you get to feeling better soon. The guitar today is great! Thanks for that. Someday you will get there. :)

    Take care of yourself.

  • At 1:31 pm, Blogger Unknown said…

    I think it's pretty cool that Microsoft is doing that. I signed up, but most everyone I know uses AIM.

    You'll be back on the guitar before you know it, no worries. If anything, I would think it'd help you become more coordinated. At least that's my excuse for video games ;-)

    Stay well!

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Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!! See my complete profile

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