Tuesday, September 11, 2007
A bad weekend turned good.
We found out how to turn the bell off! Well Jen did anyway. It turned out that we had a really great weekend. No bell ringing and, after a day of worry on my side, we sat down and talked. Jen the saviour. I love her so much. I can't wait to get her away from Manchester so we can spend some real time together. I would do anything to make her as happy as she makes me. I have recievd the first paper work that will help us find a house in St Annes and I hope we will find one soon.

We also went to see my nero on monday. Very short visit without seeing my nero at all...I must have been looking ok....Yeah right. The nero team has a new leader and it was more like an interview really. She confirmed some details and wished me well. Hour waiting time but the 'hello' went down well. We advised on the move and she told me that the nearest nero would be in Preston.

So in short....The weekend started bad but finished good in Jens arms.

Stay well,
posted by personallog! @ 2:30 pm  
  • At 6:56 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Glad to hear that you're joining of living together is going so well!

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Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!! See my complete profile

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