1: PMA, Positive Mental Attitude .....Sub 1: People who don't support Number 1 in you need to be limited access to said ms'er!....Well just make that ex girl friends for now! 2:Good Music! Got to get that rytham working! Shaking that ass....even when sat down! 3: don't overdo 1: or 2:!
Sort of does it for now! I have just been stopped by an inquisitive Irish lady...who took one look at me and said "ms?" So I kinnd of guessed she knows! She told me about two of her relatives who have it and we talked for 10 mins about what I was doing...ect! But she brought somthing to my attention. "Have you ever tried Bowtox?"
At first I thought she was trying to say That I look old or somthing,but no! She told me about how her sister had been advised to try injections into internal organs....what! Poison into the blood stream...Wait a minute, Whats Smurf Blood being pumped into my body doing?
Maybe I need to open a 4th tip! 4: Keep an open mind, Coz they dont know where this disease came from!
Hmmm maybe I need to look into living a bit more before I start doing tips lists! Oh went into work today and they have put me on a return to work plan! Reduced hours again! PMA DAVE PMA!
Name: personallog! Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom About Me:
I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!!
See my complete profile
PMA is the most important one, you know. Live for the moment and dont worry, becaue worrying never fixed anything. Keep on keeping on Dave!