But I am making new friends and enjoying myself. The idea of the modern vampire sharing energy instead of blood apeals to me. Its not as scary as the old movies and it makes me feel like a member of the public again. Just talking to people about something different has made me forget that I am in pain for most of the day. I think the site is more "buffy the vampire" than people meeting up to share blood stories.
Anyway....You will see it pop up from time to time here but back to buisness!
I have had a few cool days just relaxing and watching tv. Jen even came up for the night on monday it was great to see her again...as always and no drink either! I am starting to get worried about money tho. I need to chase up on so many different claims. I contacted income support and it was like they had never heard of me before. I hope they are back on track. I will need to chase on a regular basis if I want to stay here. And you know....I think I want to stay!
I am feeling alot better than I was...It must be the people I hang around with.
*******Nine inch nails:love is not enough****** I will be more focused for the next couple of updates I swear. Like this! Well done guys! Hope you are all well Dave
Name: personallog! Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom About Me:
I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!!
See my complete profile