Thursday, August 24, 2006
Tired? I always look this bad!

Is it the drugs we take that keep us awake in a semi zombie state? I know I have been speaking to people in the states (and I can check the time) and it turns out with the time difference that its 6 in the morning there. Or I am up late and talking to someone in California. I have just been speaking to a friend in Australia and it 11:32 in the AM here! The internet is a beautiful thing but there is something wrong if you feel the need to get on to your pc at 0600!
*******PJ Harvey:Rid of me*******
But to be honest....I love this. Its the biggest collection of books in the world, its a place to meet my friends,its a place were I can check up on people I care about. It my playground,a bar, a place just to be myself! If you cant sleep you can find something to calm you down or make you cry like this:

Nat and natalie
Unforgetable at 6 in the morning! I am sick!hehe!

Hope you are all well
posted by personallog! @ 10:25 am  
  • At 4:04 pm, Blogger Jaime said…

    So I see I am not the only one who gets up early or goes to bed late from time to time. I do think that the health stuff does not help with that...not sure it is all meds, I just think that with the flucuation of how we are seems to me that the sleep is also effected (at least that is how it is for me). :)

  • At 6:22 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Hiya Dave,

    Ahhh, sooo tired-but not totally from MS! From having a damn fine time a Tool! Such a good show. Heavier than the last time I saw them, but just as trippy. I stood the whole time with some help from my boyfriend. I'm sending you good, music-filled thoughts.


  • At 6:27 pm, Blogger personallog! said…

    You lucky lucky beeeeaaaaach! I would love to see them and I am glad you had a great time.....honestly! I so want to go!!


  • At 12:07 am, Blogger Stephen said…

    and some people never leave their computers at all - vampires suck up the bytes!

  • At 12:31 pm, Blogger personallog! said…

    haha! Nice one Stephen nice to see you back!


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Name: personallog!
Home: St. Annes, Lancashire, United Kingdom
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I am 6ft 3" skinny and not well. I was diagnosed with ms in 2004 and I would like to speak with others who have ms. I have a want to raise money for ms charities. We have to find a cure for this hell!!!! See my complete profile

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