I have been advised by several people to make a diary of events in my life to date. I have been diagnosed with MS and need to keep some notes to keep me sain. Please forgive any spelling mistakes as its not height on my priority to keep English spelling correct. Gamma also. so this is a public draft of personal hell.This is a diary for me, my sanity, my escape. I have been diagnosed with MS on the 1st of November 2004 at 19:00 hrs. That does’t mean I have letters after my name. I have an infection in my nervous system called multiple sclerosis. This has been bought to light after a year of NHS investigation. I got a-bit pissed off waiting for the results and being put on the waiting list for an MRI scan. I wish I were not as eager to find out the results as the result is quite scary.What is it? Why are my legs, drunken legs what’s the cause? What happens next? This will come to light with future updates.